The "UA Human Help" information resource is designed to provide information support for the process of providing targeted (targeted) humanitarian assistance to institutions and establishments of Ukraine for the supply of goods and equipment required under martial law, in particular, medicines, medical care products and medical equipment.
The "UA Human Help" project is an online ordering and logistics support service for international and national humanitarian goods that brings together project participants (customers, recipients, suppliers, payers, carriers, managers and volunteers) to effectively use the resources of all parties involved.
The "Human Help" project provides information support for the provision of humanitarian aid according to the following algorithms:
Search for the Supplier, Payer (Fund) and Logist that can ensure the execution of the order/project
The supplier fully ensures the delivery of the order, after which it receives payment from the Payer (Fund)
Search for a Supplier for an order that already has approximate financial support of the Payer (Fund)
Search for customers for products that the Payer (Fund) is ready to pay for and deliver to the Supplier
Formation of target projects for Funds (Payers)
Short description of the project
Participants and users who have passed the registration procedure and the corresponding validation by the project administrators are involved in the project (see the section "Registration of project participants and users").
An application for humanitarian assistance to the Recipient can be made by a representative of the Customer or an authorized Volunteer. The specification of the application is based solely on the basic classifiers of marketable products, in particular, on the register of medicines registered in Ukraine, classifiers of medical devices and medical equipment administered by the project.
The section “Description of the technological process of providing humanitarian aid” contains a step-by-step description of the formation of applications, selection of proposals from Suppliers, payment and logistics of delivery of goods to the Recipient. If necessary, the authorized user can watch the relevant training video and read the "User's Guide".
Each user of the project has access to the data of only those Customers who are identified in his registration card and in accordance with his role in the technological process.
The project was implemented on a volunteer basis by a group of companies that provide software, technical and advisory assistance to all project participants (see sections "Call-center" and "Help Desk").
Description of the technological process of providing humanitarian assistance
Step 1
The Customer (Volunteer / Manager) forms the application and specification of the necessary goods for delivery to the Recipient
Step 2
The supplier (Volunteer) submits its proposals for readiness to supply the product as a whole for all or part of the application
Step 3
The Customer together with the Recipient shall analyze the submitted proposals of the Suppliers and determine the Supplier whose proposal satisfies them
Step 4
If the Supplier has indicated the need to pay for the goods, the Payers provide their proposals for payment and provide payment documents (Warning! If the Provider does not require payment, this step is skipped)
Step 5
The logistician submits his proposal on readiness to ensure delivery of the goods and awaits confirmation from the Customer (Recipient) After confirmation of the Customer, the Logistician ensures the process of delivery of the goods from the Supplier to the Recipient
Step 6
The consignee confirms receipt of the goods, evaluates its quality and compliance with transport documents
Step 7
The Recipient and the Customer provide their score on the work of all participants in the process of delivery of goods
Registration of project participants and users
Stage 1. Registration of enterprises and companies wishing to participate in the project is carried out according to the questionnaire >>>
Based on the results of the validation of the questionnaire, a letter will be sent to your e-mail.
Stage 2. Registration of system users (staff and volunteers representing project participants) is based on the questionnaire >>>
Based on the results of the validation of the questionnaire, a letter will be sent to your e-mail.